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    Pretty genuine ruthless person

    History has actually always revealed us both the intense and dark sides of human evolution and social improvement. In addition to excellent rulers and figures who were the embodiment of compassion and generosity , history has actually also made known a number of figures who can extremely well be treated as reincarnations of the Devil himself! The link here includes a list and brief intros to some of the most wicked persons in human history, who wereruthless mass killers and serial killers. From Mongolian kings to French generals to countesses who were implicated of killing thousands, the list is quite comprehensive . People interested in the darker sides of history can take a look at the material in this link to understand more about them. So look into cruel queen you always wanted. If you are exploring for murderous women in history, you have come on the best blog post. More info: oddee

    Gilles de Rais (1404-1440), Serial Killer of Children

    Maximilien de Robespierre (1758-1794), Obsessed with The Guillotine

    Timur (1336-1405), Ruthless Conqueror and Mass Murderer
    Ilse Koch (1906-1967), "The Bitch of Buchenwald
    Ranavalona I (1778-1861), The Mad Queen of Madagascar
    Ranavalona I (1778-1861), The Mad Queen of Madagascar
    Liu Pengli (Unknown - Approximately 144 BC), One of the First Serial Killers Ever
    Liu Pengli (Unknown - Approximately 144 BC), One of the First Serial Killers Ever
    Belle Gunness (1859-?), "Hell's Belle"
    Belle Gunness (1859-?), "Hell's Belle"
    Empress Wu Zetian (625-705), The "Enchanting" Empress
    Empress Wu Zetian (625-705), The "Enchanting" Empress

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